The Hand That Feeds The Dead Blu-ray - Media
The Hand That Feeds The Dead Blu-ray - Full Moon Horror
The Hand That Feeds The Dead Blu-ray - Media
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, The Hand That Feeds The Dead Blu-ray - Full Moon Horror
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The Hand That Feeds The Dead Blu-ray

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$8.48 USD
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$8.48 USD
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$16.95 USD
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Get ready for Sergio Garrone's macabre masterpiece THE HAND THAT FEEDS THE DEAD starring the iconic Klaus Kinski (NOSFERATU: PHANTOM DER NACHT, JACK THE RIPPER, CRAWLSPACE) who brings his inimitable brand of intensity to this rarely seen work of visceral European horror, presented here uncut for the first time in North America, remastered from the original 35mm negative.

Kinski plays Professor Nijinski, whose work with experimental skin grafts with his mentor has been aborted by a lab fire that has left his wife Tania (Katia Christine) now hideously burned, her face a bloody mass of flayed flesh and tissue. Nijinski vows to continue his research, venturing into the village with his hypnotized henchman (Erol Tas) to kidnap and murder local young woman and remove their skin, transplanting it onto his tortured wife's ruined skull. Will Nijinkski get away with his hideous crimes and bring his beloved back to her previous luscious luster? Or will the long arm of the law put an end to his tirade of murder and mad science?

One of two Turkish/Italian Kinski horror films with similar plots, cast and crew shot back-to-back by DJANGO THE BASTARD director Sergio Garrone (the other being LOVER OF THE MONSTER, also coming soon from Full Moon), THE HAND THAT FEEDS THE DEAD has been previously only available in VHS-dubbed bootlegs and inferior transfers. Full Moon is proud to be presenting his atmospheric, gory and erotic "lost" facial transplant psychodrama, better than it's ever looked or sounded before!

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