Evil Bong DVD - Media

Evil Bong DVD

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Shipping calculated at checkout.'s one scary trip! Meet EEBEE, a vintage bong with the mysterious power to make all your fantasies come true. Hypnotized by EEBEE's seductive feminine appearance, college nerd ALISTAIR McDOWELL and his stoner roommates take a toke and EEBEE takes them on a wild trip to her Bong World, where they are seduced by exotic strippers with deadly powers. They should have read the fine print: Potheads beware; you might enjoy this trip so much you'll die in ecstasy! As Alistair and his friends look for a way to escape the Bong World before it's too late, their one chance at survival might rest in the hands of JIMBO LEARY (Tommy Chong), Eebee's original owner, here to destroy her for good... Directed by CHARLES BAND! Starring: Tommy Chong, David Weidoff, Ohn Patrick Jordan, Mitch Eakins, Brian Lloyd, Robin Sydney, Kristyn Green, Jacob Witkin, Mae Laborde Special Appearances by BILL MOSELEY, TIM THOMERSON, PHIL FONDACARO and OOGA BOOGA

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